Sandy Plains Public Safety Station

Sandy Plains PSS Front

Project Summary

The Sandy Plains Public Safety Station is an 8,500 SF co-location of Northern Wake Fire, Wake County EMS, and the Wake County Sheriff’s Department. This is the first such co-location of these service providers in Wake County, and the goal of this project is to increase the presence of essential public safety services in the northern Wake County community and to reduce response times by more than half. The project will utilize 10 – 14 acres of County property north of Falls Lake and just south of the Granville County line. Site features include well and septic systems, approximately 17 parking spaces, storm water control measures, and infrastructure for future EV parking. The building will include dormitories, day rooms, exercise space, kitchen facilities, work areas, apparatus bays, support space, and a wellness room for staff. Sustainability features will include a solar photovoltaic array, roofing materials with high solar reflectivity, high albedo pavement, local drought tolerant plant materials, and energy efficient systems and appliances. This will also be one of the County’s first all-electric facilities. The project is working its way through the planning process and should be ready for bidding by July of 2025. A notice to proceed for construction could be issued as early as September 1, 2025, and the facility should be open for service by October 2026.

Building Information

Site Acreage:
+/- 14 Acres


Building Area:
8,500 SF

Number of Parking Bays:

Programs Offered:
Emergency Services - Fire, EMS, and Sheriff

adw architects, PA

Construction Budget:
$8 Million

Projected Opening:
October 2026
