Community meeting takes place tomorrow, Wednesday, Sept. 11

Planners are inviting the public to learn the latest about a plan to guide growth and development in unincorporated southwestern Wake County at a community meeting Wednesday, Sept. 11. The drop-in meeting will take place from 4–6:30 p.m. at White Oak Foundation Community Resource Center at 1624 White Oak Church Road, Apex.
The 44-square-mile Western Wake area is bordered by Chatham and Harnett counties and includes Harris Lake and the Jordan Lake watershed. At the meeting, attendees will have the opportunity to review the draft area plan map for the study area and share their thoughts with the team.
“Public input is the foundation of this planning process,” said Wake County Commissioner Don Mial. “The insights and ideas shared by residents who live, work and play in this area will help shape how the Western Wake community grows and evolves.”
Tomorrow’s meeting follows months of work by planners and input from residents. Staff held a virtual community meeting on May 21 and hosted an in-person meeting on June 12. Residents have provided feedback via an online survey and map.
Western Wake is the fourth of seven distinct areas the County is focusing on as part of its comprehensive plan, known as PLANWake, which charts a course to guide growth over the next 10 years. The Wake County Board of Commissioners has already approved area plans for Lower Swift Creek, Middle Creek and Lower Neuse. These area plans determine what type of built environment – the homes, buildings, streets, open spaces, farms and infrastructure – is envisioned for the future at the local level.
In addition to the County’s area plan, the Town of Apex is updating long-range plans for the Western Big Branch Area.
Stay informed
In addition to the meeting, there are several ways to participate. Visit to learn more and sign up for email updates. Residents can also contact staff directly at or 919-856-6310 (option 8).
Planners expect to have the draft plan ready for review by late 2024/early 2025. Full details can be found at, and information about the overall area planning process is located at