Core Values

Group of people walking and holding hands

Our Core Values define what is truly important to Wake County and guide everything we do.

Essential to our success, these values are the foundation of our organization and serve as the lens through which we evaluate every business decision. They guide how we conduct ourselves, how we work with each other, and how we interact with the communities in which we serve.

Act with respect, dignity and integrity

We act with honesty, transparency, respect and sincerity in our interactions with co-workers, partners and those we serve. We adhere, without exception, to laws, policies, procedures and professional standards. We treat others the way we want to be treated and how they want to be treated.

Be accountable

We establish high-quality standards for our work. We add value. We measure results and hold ourselves and one another accountable for making progress toward our desired outcomes. We take a logical and data-driven approach to decision-making. We stand by our values and act in accordance with what we say. This is true of us individually, as a team and in the communities we serve.

Foster diversity, equity and inclusivity

We believe that our diversity is what makes us strong. We believe that inclusion across race, color, national origin, gender identity, age, religion, sex, sexual orientation, disability and experience is vital to our organization’s success. Equity is at the center of our work. We are committed to strengthening our Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) program to positively impact all employees and the communities we serve.

Work together

We nurture a work culture that values different ideas and opinions. We communicate by listening for understanding and speaking thoughtfully. We achieve greater success when we work together toward shared goals with mutual respect and cooperation. No one is in this alone.

Strive for excellence

We continuously improve our work processes and products. We provide time and resources for individuals to grow and develop, both personally and professionally. We provide a safe environment to be innovative and creative and are encouraged to try new things. When things don’t go as planned, we use it as an opportunity to learn, regroup and begin again.

Nurture health and well-being

We inspire and empower employees and their families to live their best lives by taking proactive steps to be physically fit and healthy, emotionally strong, financially secure, and socially fulfilled. We encourage workplace wellness programs and activities to help achieve personal health goals and provide the time and tools to support active engagement.

Serve with passion and empathy

We commit to making a difference within our community and our organization. We actively engage in and enjoy our work. We strive to deliver services that exceed expectations, with courtesy and sensitivity to the experiences, concerns and feelings of all co-workers and customers.

Our Vision:

Passionate. Proactive. Purposeful.

Our Mission:

Wake County provides excellent public service through collaborative, inclusive and sustainable solutions that prioritize the well-being of our community.