Notice to Veterans:
Due to a current staffing shortage, we are experiencing longer wait times and are unable to accept walk-ins at this time. To schedule an appointment, please call 919-212-8387 or email veterans@wake.gov. Please be aware that the current wait time for an appointment is approximately two months.
Serving Wake County Veterans for Years
Do you need help navigating the complex world of veterans services? The Wake County Veterans Services Office assists eligible veterans, their dependents and/or surviving spouses, children of deceased veterans, members of the Reserves or National Guard and active-duty service members in applying for benefits and services from the Department of Veterans Affairs and North Carolina Department of Military & Veterans Affairs.
The VSO assists veterans and their families with:
- Applying for NCDVMA benefits
- Retrieving official Wake County documents in support of claims
- Completing applications
- Help at NCWorks Career Centers
- Obtaining DD-214s
Important Contacts
US Veterans Affairs (toll-free)
VA Medical Center – Durham
Raleigh I VA Outpatient Clinic
Raleigh II VA Outpatient Clinic
Raleigh III VA Outpatient Clinic
NC Dept of Military & Veterans Affairs
Raleigh Vet Center
Resource Links
NCDVA Scholarships
The North Carolina Department of Military & Veterans Affairs wishes to remind high school seniors and other interested parties of the ongoing State Scholarship Program for children of certain disabled, deceased or POW/MIA veterans.
The scholarships may be used at schools located in North Carolina that are:
- State-owned institutions of higher education, community colleges and technical institutions, or
- Privately owned, nonprofit colleges and universities.
Scholarships, with one exception, provide free tuition, certain fees and a reasonable room and board allowance in state-owned institutions and $4,500 per academic year in private institutions – the exception being that awards under the 100% service-connected disability provision provide free tuition and certain fees in state-owned institutions and $1,500 per academic year in private institutions. All awards are for four academic years and must be used within eight years from the date of award. Unlimited awards are made under Classes I & IV. Classes II and III are limited to awards each year in each class.
Interested persons are urged to contact the Wake County Veterans Services Office, 3000 Falstaff Road, Raleigh, NC 27610, 919-212-VETS, for more detailed information, advice and assistance with an application.
100% P&T
Veterans who are permanently and totally disabled as the result of a service-connected disability may be eligible.
Additional Resources
Capital Area Veterans Stand Down
Veterans Services Task Force
According to the U.S. Census, nearly 49,000 veterans called Wake County home in 2019. In order to address the needs of this important population, in 2021 Wake County convened a task force of elected officials, community leaders and county staff. The task force, spearheaded by Commissioner Vickie Adamson, was charged with identifying a menu of recommendations that staff and commissioners can use to enhance the level of services we provide veterans in our community.
The task force met five times from March 2021 to February 2022. Members explored services currently available to our veterans – including those from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, N.C. Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, N.C. Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services, Wake County Veterans Services Office and Wake County Housing Affordability and Community Revitalization Department. The group discussed veterans court, veterans crisis intervention team training and Veterans Bridge Home.
Drawing upon this information, along with the knowledge of each member, the task force developed and ranked a list of recommendations.
Our staff can be reached at:
919-212-8387 (VETS)
Or by email at:
Office Hours & Location
Monday–Friday, walk-in hours:
8:30 a.m.–noon
1:30–5 p.m.
Walk-in services offered:
Signing DMV license plate applications
Signing NC fishing and hunting license applications
**Please bring appropriate documentation showing authorized benefits