The Register of Deeds Office serves as custodian and manager of a large number of public records, including deeds, deeds of trust, and subdivision plats. The Register of Deeds Office issues marriage licenses and supplies copies of birth and death certificates in Wake County. The General Statutes of North Carolina govern the Register of Deeds Office which has the responsibility of protecting the integrity, completeness, accuracy and safekeeping of these public records.
Register of Deeds Land Records Access Training Session - Recording and Transcript - Click to replay
CONSUMER ALERT: Avoid paying unnecessary fees for official property documents.
The Register of Deeds is the custodian and manager of a large number of public records. The public records archived in our office include real estate transactions, birth and death certificates, marriage licenses, notary public oaths, DD214s and more.
It is our primary mission at the Wake County Register of Deeds to record, preserve and provide access to these records in the most efficient manner possible. The Register of Deeds staff is fully committed to providing courteous, helpful, and professional service to our customers.
I am honored to serve as the Wake County Register of Deeds and thank you for the trust you place in me while serving in this position. Please contact our office with any questions or needs you may have.
Hours of Operation
Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Wake County Justice Center
300 S. Salisbury St., Suite 1700
Raleigh, NC 27601