It takes more than 2,000 paid, dedicated volunteers to operate Wake County Election Day polling places and Early Voting sites each election.
These people are your friends, co-workers, and neighbors who give several days of paid service to ensure you are able to cast your ballot during Early Voting or on Election Day.
You can do more than just vote! Complete the online application and receive information about becoming a paid Precinct Official today.
You will receive more information about requirements, a typical Election Day, and working at an Early Voting site.
We need your help, too! More Precinct Officials are needed in your neighborhood. Do your part by helping us provide voting opportunities in your community.
Benefits of Being a Precinct Official

- Earn extra cash
- Serve your community
- Meet your neighbors
- Learn about elections
- Make new friends
- Looks great on resumes
- Fulfill your civic duty
Precinct Official FAQs
What do Precinct Officials do?
As a Precinct Official, you will work at one of Wake County's 212 polling places and/or one of the approved Early Voting sites. Precinct Officials set up supplies and voting equipment, assist voters, verify their registration, issue ballots and manage crowds. Precinct Officials are assigned to positions based on their strengths, interests, and experience.
Will I receive training?
YES! All Precinct Officials are required by law to attend training classes prior to each election. You will attend 1-3 classes based on your job assignment and level of experience.
How much will I get paid?
Early Voting Precinct Officials are paid an hourly rate of at least $15.00 per hour for all Early Voting activities including training, meeting with the rest of your Early Voting team, and working your scheduled days of Early Voting. Pay rates vary with your job assignment, and Officials are paid through a staffing agency.
Election Day Precinct Officials are paid a flat rate for attending training, setting up supplies the evening before Election Day, and working on Election Day. The compensation varies with your job assignment. Precinct Officials earn $300.00 - $425.00 per election.
What are the qualifications to become a Precinct Official?
- Must be a Wake County registered voter (or become registered if eligible)
- Must not be a candidate or relative of a candidate in the election
- Must not be an elected government official, hold office with a political party or be a manager or treasurer for a candidate or political party
- Must not serve at the same polling place as a spouse, child, spouse of a child, sister or brother
What are the requirements of Precinct Officials?
- Must have reliable transportation to and from the polling place
- Must assist with the setup of election supplies and voting equipment on the Monday evening before Election Day
- Must not promote or discuss any candidate, political party, policy or cause while working on Election Day
- Must work all day (6 a.m. to approximately 9 p.m.) if assigned to work on Election day
- Must attend all required training classes before each election
- Must work on Election Day in order to receive payment for attending training
- Must work assigned schedule if assigned to work Early Voting