Safe Sleep Saves Lives

Safe Sleep Saves Lives

Sleep-related infant death is the leading cause of infant mortality from one month to one year of age. Sleep-related infant death can result from unintentional suffocation/strangulation. The best way to prevent sleep-related deaths is for all parents and caregivers to provide a safe sleeping environment for your baby.

We encourage you to have your baby’s crib next to your bed. Although you may need to bring your baby into bed with you for feeding or for comfort, it is important for you to place your baby back in their own crib before you go back to sleep.


The ABC's of Safe Sleep

  • Alone- Babies should always be on their own sleep surface. Bed sharing is a risk factor for SUIDS and other sleep related deaths.
  • Back - Babies should be on their back for every sleep.
  • Crib - The crib should be empty. This means no bumper pads, pillows, blankets, stuffed animals, toys or supplies, like diapers and diaper wipes.

Common Questions about Safe Sleep

I don’t want my baby to be cold while sleeping in their crib. How can I make sure they are warm without a blanket?

Dress your baby in a wearable blanket, such as a sleep sack, or in one extra layer of infant clothing. In general, you should dress your baby in only one more layer than what you are wearing.

My parent shared a bed with me when I was a baby. Why should I do things different with my baby?

We’ve learned a lot about safe sleep for babies in recent years. In the past, many sleep-related injury deaths were thought to be caused by SIDS, a natural cause of death. Now we know that many babies die from accidental suffocation while sleeping in unsafe spaces – especially when sharing a bed with another person.

How can I breastfeed my baby in the middle of the night if I can’t bring my baby into bed with me?

We encourage you to have your baby’s crib next to your bed. Although you may need to bring your baby into bed with you for feeding or for comfort, it is important for you to place your baby back in their own crib before you go back to sleep.

Can I use my baby’s car seat or swing as a safe place for them to sleep?

No. Your baby can’t lie flat in a car seat or a baby swing, so his or her head may tip forward. This can block your baby’s airway and could cause them to suffocate.

Have questions about making sure your baby has a safe sleep? Contact us!
