Population Health

Population Health works to advance health equity and eliminate health disparities among all populations living in Wake County.

The CDC views population health as an interdisciplinary, customizable approach that allows health departments to connect practice to policy for change to happen locally. This approach uses non-traditional partnerships among different sectors of the community – public health, industry, academia, health care, local government entities, etc. – to achieve positive health outcomes.


Health Lit 4 Wake, with image of open book

The HealthLit4Wake Health Equity Coalition works collaboratively to dispel vaccine hesitancy, increase health literacy around vaccines, increase understanding around the need for continued masking and testing, and increase the percentage of Black and Hispanic people getting vaccinated.

HealthLit4Wake aims to increase confidence and trust in local health service providers while establishing a stronger link between historically marginalized communities and government health agencies in Wake County. This work occurs through the bidirectional engagement of all partners.

Live Well Wake

Live Well Wake logo

Live Well Wake aims to make Wake County the healthiest community in the nation for all residents – regardless of background, neighborhood or circumstance – to be able not just to live, but to flourish. Built on the premise that everyone has a right to live well, Live Well Wake is a community-led initiative bringing people together across sectors to find innovative solutions for our county’s biggest challenges. Formed out of the Community Health Needs Assessment and Population Health Task Force initiatives, Live Well Wake is a collaborative effort that relies on our community at-large to build partnerships and design strategic initiatives to meet our goals. The work of Live Well Wake focuses on these three priority areas:

  • Access to Healthcare
  • Housing and Homelessness
  • Mental Health


Live Well Wake

Health Impact Collaborative (HIC)

Live Well Wake has established the Health Impact Collaborative (HIC) to address COVID-19 health-related disparities and advance health equity in communities experiencing disparate outcomes across identified social determinants of health. The HIC has determined 35 Wake County census tracts as priority areas, given the proportion of residents who identify as Black/African American or Hispanic/Latino, high social vulnerability and low COVID-19 vaccination coverage.

Learn more

Advancing Health Equity & Best Practices Toolkit

Introducing Wake County’s Advancing Health Equity & Best Practices Toolkit! This toolkit, developed in collaboration with the HealthLit4Wake Policy and Sustainability workgroup, is designed to empower readers to create change. This resource equips readers with approaches and best practices to address disparities and advance health equity.

Four focus areas:

  • Digital Health Literacy
  • Security Uniform Impact: Building Equity in Health
  • Bridging Language Gaps: Information in English and Beyond
  • Voices at the Table: Lived Experiences in Policy and Development

Join Wake County as we transform our community into a more equitable space for all.

English     Spanish

Educational Opportunities

Audience listening to COVID Bootcamp
COVID-19 Bootcamp at Green Road Community Library on April 11, 2024

HealthLit4Wake provides a range of opportunities for community members and partner organizations to engage in health training initiatives. These trainings are designed to enhance health literacy and health equity, empowering individuals to make informed health decisions.

COVID-19, Flu and Cold Bootcamp

An ongoing offering is the COVID-19, Flu and Cold Bootcamp. This is an hourlong interactive training that provides the most up-to-date guidance on staying healthy this season, including vaccines, prevention and testing. This training can be either in-person or remote, and also altered for community organizations seeking tips and tricks for effectively communicating health messaging. To schedule a Bootcamp, please contact Kate, the HL4W Health Educator, at Kate.Broadwell@wake.gov

Health Equity Training

Join the HealthLit4Wake team for an engaging 90-minute Health Equity training! This session is designed for you to understand health equity and its application in personal and organizational settings. Participants will cover key concepts, identify barriers to access, and learn strategies to promote inclusivity and fairness in the healthcare arena. This interactive training will provide actionable insights to drive meaningful change. To schedule a training, please contact Maxeen, the HL4W Health Equity Project Coordinator, at Maxeen.Hill@wake.gov.

2025 HealthLit4Wake Mini Grant Awardees

We are excited to announce the recipients of the 2025 HealthLit4Wake Mini Grant Awards. This year, we have awarded funding to 16 outstanding organizations that are committed to advancing health literacy and access to health information within our community. We look forward to supporting their impactful work throughout the year and are inspired by their dedication to fostering a healthier, more informed community!

  • Alliance Medical Ministries
  • Breaking Barriers Catching Hope
  • Capital Area Section of NC, National Council of Negro Women
  • Cultivating Resources and Opportunities Community Foundation
  • Duckie Enterprise
  • East Wake Education Foundation
  • House of Friendship
  • Learning Together
  • Neighbor Health Center
  • Oasis Health and Wellness Centers International
  • Raleigh Wake County Dental Society Community Dental Health Program (Wake Smiles)
  • Saint Paul African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church
  • The Balm in Gilead
  • Triangle Area Parenting Support
  • UCA Waves
  • Village of Wisdom


HL4W Mini-Grant Past Recipients

  • Alliance Medical Ministries
  • Breaking Barriers Catching Hope
  • Enlace Latino
  • Fiesta Cristiana
  • Garner Road Community Center
  • Gethsemane Seventh-day Adventist Church
  • Greater Pleasant Grove Development Corporation
  • Loaves and Fishes Ministry
  • NAMI Wake
  • Neighbor Health
  • Niasha Fray Consulting
  • Oasis Health and Wellness Centers International – Village of C.A.R.E.
  • Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Xi Mu Mu Chapter
  • Raleigh Alumnae Chapter Delta Sigma Theta
  • Southeast Raleigh Promise
  • Triangle Area Parenting Support
  • WakeMed
  • Women 4 Wellness and Justice

HealthLit4Wake Coalition & Workgroups

HealthLit4Wake is dedicated to enhancing health literacy in our community through collaborative efforts. The coalition meets every fourth Thursday of the month, bringing together local stakeholders to discuss strategies, share resources, and align on goals for improving health literacy across Wake County. This gathering fosters a strong network of partnerships focused on creating a more informed and healthier community for all.

In addition to the coalition meetings, HealthLit4Wake has five monthly workgroups that invite local community partners to engage in meaningful discussions about relevant issues, share innovative ideas, and plan upcoming events. These workgroups serve as a vital space for collaboration and connection, welcoming any community partners who wish to get involved. Together, they work towards strengthening health literacy initiatives and addressing the unique needs of our community.

To learn more about joining the coalition or a workgroup, please contact Kate.Broadwell@wake.gov.

Policy & Sustainability Workgroup

This committee develops a disparities impact statement and will explore policies and strategies to advance health literacy.

Data & Training Workgroup

This committee will develop strategies to measure the effectiveness of health literacy messaging and recommend training opportunities. Trainings will support partners in the development and delivery of CLAS-centered services.

Community Outreach & Engagement Workgroup

This committee will develop strategies for engaging communities in health literacy work.

Communication & Messaging Workgroup

The Communications and Messaging Workgroup is committed to enhancing health messaging for a diverse range of topics, with a particular focus on historically marginalized communities. This group reviews current materials, ensuring they align with Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) standards, and develops new messaging strategies to address community needs effectively.

Working closely with Wake County Communications, the workgroup creates and provides feedback on health messaging distributed throughout the community. This collaboration ensures our communications are culturally sensitive and relevant. Additionally, the workgroup reviews health training materials, offering constructive feedback to improve their effectiveness. Through these efforts, we aim to elevate the overall quality of health messaging and education, fostering better health outcomes for all.

Workgroup Meets: 2nd Tuesday of each month

Youth Engagement Workgroup

The Youth Engagement Workgroup is dedicated to developing strategies for involving youth in health equity and health literacy initiatives. This group discusses and shares updates on the Wake County Youth Health Council, ensuring that young voices are heard and integrated into our efforts.

In addition to fostering youth involvement, the workgroup collaborates on health training opportunities available to young people and discusses various events aimed at promoting health literacy. We also explore volunteer opportunities that empower youth to take an active role in their communities and work towards engaging them in public health roles. Through these collaborative efforts, we aim to inspire and equip the next generation to contribute to health equity and literacy in meaningful ways.

Workgroup Meets: 3rd Friday of each month

2024 Event Photos

Panelists speak to an audience for Ask the Doc at St. Paul Church
Organizers of Ask the Doc pose for group photo at St. Paul Church
Panelists seated a table speak at the Mexican Consulate
HealthLit4Wake team shares resources with Ask the Doc attendees
Panelists from the English Ask the Doc
Aaron, the youth moderator, asks the panel a question.
Audience listens in to the COVID Bootcamp held at Green Rd. Library
audience listens to the COVID-19 bootcamp
Panelists answer questions at Green Rd Library
Panelists at Alliance Medical Ministry answer questions
Youth Health Council members show their presentation
Youth win award for the poster at the Mary Ann Black Symposium
Panelists discuss topics at Fiesta Cristiana for the Spanish Ask the Doc
Panelists discuss topics at Fiesta Cristiana for the Spanish Ask the Doc
Panelists discuss topics at Fiesta Cristiana for the Spanish Ask the Doc
Organizations table at the Spanish Ask the Doc at Fiesta Cristiana
Denisse, the moderator, asks the panel a question at the Spanish Ask the Doc
Youth explore the organizations tabling at the Spanish Ask the Doc
Don't see your question above? See all our submitted questions here: 24-084 Addenda