Report Changes for Food and Nutrition and Medicaid

Need to give us an update about Food and Nutrition or Medicaid?

  • Have you moved? 
  • Did you lose a job, or start a new job? 
  • Has someone new joined your household? 
  • Have you had any changes that may impact your Medicaid or Food and Nutrition Services case? 
  • Is it time for your recertification?


Here are ways you can contact us about your Medicaid or Food and Nutrition Services case. 

Food and Nutrition / Medicaid Form

You can email us about your application, changes in your situation, and submit documents for recertification. 

For Food and Nutrition Services, you may send an email to (please do not send confidential or private information such as your social security number or medical diagnosis, in an email). 

For Medicaid, you may send an email to (please do not send confidential or private information such as your social security number or medical diagnosis, in an email). 

You may also call us at (919) 212-7000