Note: This tool is provided without warranty. User should consult public primary information sources, such as recorded deeds and plats, to verify the accuracy of the data provided. Wake County shall not be held liable for any errors in these data. This includes but is not limited to errors of omission, commission, errors concerning the content of the data, and relative and positional accuracy of the data. These data cannot be construed to be a legal document. Primary sources from which these data were compiled must be consulted for verification of information contained in these data. Use of this tool constitutes acceptance of this disclaimer.
Wake County Environmental Services samples fresh water bodies at public beaches and some private camps for E. coli and Enterococci bacteria during the summer season (late May–Labor Day weekend). This program is in accordance with regulations adopted by the Board of Human Services of Wake County in order to inform swimmers and others who come in contact with the water regarding bacteria levels in recreational water. These bacteria are plentiful in feces of humans and animals and indicate presence of feces, which may contain pathogens capable of causing human illness.
Green – No advisory; bacteria is below exceedance thresholds.
Yellow – Caution; recent test results indicate elevated levels of bacteria; enter water at your own risk. Advisory will remain in place until bacteria levels no longer exceed the standard. This status is also posted out of caution when a major rain even prevents testing.
Red – Closed for public health nuisance; conditions exist for elevated health risks. Body contact with water is not allowed. Beach will remain closed until the nuisance is abated.
Additional information about the advisories and the monitoring program can be found in the Wake County Policies and Procedures Manual.
Status Map
To see the status of a recreational waters location:
- Click the icon for that location on the map,
- You can also view detailed data reports for a location,
- Advisories and closings will also be listed in the news section.