On the Swamp: Stories of Indigenous Environmental Justice

On the Swamp

About This Event

Indigenous Peoples have occupied (and continue to occupy) their homelands in what is now eastern North Carolina for centuries. Ryan Emanuel shares stories and lessons about the resilience of Lumbee people and their neighbors in the face of colonialism, pollution, climate change, and other threats to their communities and the places they have always called home.

Ryan Emanuel is a Lumbee hydrologist and community-engaged scholar from North Carolina. A tenured faculty member at Duke University, Emanuel leads a research group based at the Duke River Center that studies how humans and our non-human relatives affect (and are affected by) water and environmental processes. His work promotes environmental justice and Indigenous rights through research, teaching, and public engagement.

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History & Cultural Education


Adults & Seniors
April 16, 2024
6:00 pm to 7:00 pm


This is held virtually.