Big Sweep Spring 2022- Falls Lake Mountains-to-Sea Trailheads

Cleaning up a creek with litter reacher

About This Event

Zone Captain: Jennifer Browndorf


Date: Sat, May 7, 2022

Time: 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Location: 3200 Pleasant Union Church Road, Raleigh, NC 27614

Description: We are teaming up with the Friends of the Mountains to Sea Trail (FMST) group to help cleanup highly trafficked trailheads along the stretch of the Mountains-to-Sea trail (MST) within Wake County. New Zone Captain, Jennifer Browndorf, is a FMST trail maintenance volunteer assigned to trailheads along the MST and has identified litter hot spots along the parking areas/trailheads. Come enjoy some sun and our beautiful Falls Lake while cleaning up; It's highly encouraged to hit the MST after the event! Falls Lake is a direct drinking water resource for the residents of Wake County and your time will help clean this important body of water and the trail that follows it.

Individuals and groups can register to participate in this event as long as you are 18 or older. All supplies will be provided. Long pants and sturdy, closed-toe shoes are required. Drinking water, sunscreen, and a hat are recommended. Feel free to bring your favorite snack too!

Volunteers will meet at Blue Jay Environmental Education Center in Blue Jay County Park at 8 AM. Individuals will be briefed on the event and given a safety overview as well as some education about the MST and our Falls Lake watershed! From there, the Zone Captain will divide and direct groups to multiple clean-up sites at different trailheads for the MST with written directions on how to get to each location. Groups will also be aided by FMST volunteer leaders for each section. We will not be cleaning at the meeting place but along the trailheads of Falls Lake. Once you receive your assignment you will travel (about 2-5 minute drive) to the location and be able to depart from there at the conclusion of the event.

Pre-registration is required. Adults aged 18 and over ONLY.

Volunteers must be at least 18 years old to volunteer. Due to the nature of this cleanup, only adults are allowed. All volunteers must sign the waiver when pre-registering.



Big Sweep
Soil and Water Conservation




Adults & Seniors
May 07, 2022
8:00 am to 11:00 am