If your business is a sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation (doing business under an assumed name), or limited liability company (LLC) doing business under an assumed name:
State law dictates that most types of businesses file with the Register of Deeds in the county where they will operate. The document that files or puts on record a business name of an individual, partnership, or corporation other than its own name is referred to as Doing Business As, DBA, or Assumed Name.
NC General Statute §66-68 requires that "before any person or partnership engages in business in any county in this State under an assumed name or under any designation, name or style other than the real name of the owner or owners thereof, before any limited partnership engaged in business in any county in this State other than under the name set out in the Certificate filed with the Office of the Secretary of State, or before a corporation engages in business in any county other than under its corporate name, such person, partnership, limited partnership, or corporation must file in the office of the register of deeds of such county a certificate... ."
For more information, visit the Wake County Register of Deeds website.
If you need information on incorporation or initial filing of a limited partnership or LLC, please visit the Secretary of State's website.