Nurturing a Sustainable Tomorrow with Wake County

Nurturing a Sustainable Tomorrow with Wake County

Join the libraries and Wake County Waste & Recycling on a journey toward a greener and more sustainable future. The waste series aims to empower the community with practical insights into responsible waste management.

Backyard Composting
Interested in learning to compost, but not sure how to start? Get expert help before your composting efforts draw unwanted attention. Wake County Waste Management staff will raise awareness of the benefits of composting, introduce the art and science of backyard composting, and troubleshoot problems with your compost system. Participants will also be entered into a drawing to win a compost bin.

Can I Recycle This?
Should I wash recycling before throwing it in the bin? Should I leave the cap on? Why can’t all plastic containers be recycled if they have a triangle on the bottom? Learn the answers to all your recycling questions and how to recycle right at this ask-an-expert, drop-in event.

Earthworms are the hardest working creatures under the earth, and communities throughout the world are turning to earthworms to transform trash into treasure. Vermicompost, also referred to as “Black Gold,” is packed with over a dozen essential nutrients and minerals to help plants grow. No worms? No problem! Wake County Waste Management staff show you how to build, feed, maintain and harvest your own worm bin. Participants will also be entered into a drawing to win a worm bin.

To stay updated on these programs and other library events, please visit our events calendar.

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