The Wake County Sheriff’s Office is proud to support Special Olympics North Carolina. Our office raises funds annually for the Law Enforcement Torch Run® for Special Olympics.
Deputies work with local businesses and the community to raise money through the sale of Law Enforcement Torch Run merchandise and through direct donations. By supporting this campaign, you are helping the 40,000 Special Olympics athletes across the state empower and transform themselves, their communities and the world.

You can donate directly to Special Olympics North Carolina through our team by visiting this link.
Under “who sent you to this donation page,” select “Wake County Sheriff’s Office.”
100% of donations go to Special Olympics North Carolina.
Sponsorship Opportunities
If you own a business and are interested in opportunities to sponsor this campaign or host an event, contact Deputy Smokes at joseph.smokes@wake.gov or Deputy Doxsie at ryne.doxsie@wake.gov.
About the Law Enforcement Torch Run®
The Law Enforcement Torch Run® (LETR) for Special Olympics is the largest year-round public awareness and grass-roots fundraising campaign for Special Olympics. Known as Guardians of the Flame, law enforcement members and Special Olympics athletes carry the Flame of Hope into the Opening Ceremony of local competitions, and into Special Olympics State, National, Regional and World Games. Annually, more than 110,000 dedicated and compassionate law enforcement members carry the “Flame of Hope,” symbolizing courage and the celebration of diversity, uniting communities around the globe. Here in North Carolina, nearly 2,000 law enforcement personnel support the NC LETR annually!
The LETR for Special Olympics engages law enforcement worldwide, championing acceptance and inclusion for people with intellectual disabilities, starting first with their own communities. Over the years, the Torch Run has evolved and now encompasses a variety of innovative fundraising events, including the Plane Pull®, Polar Plunge®, Tip-A-Cop®, Truck Convoy and more. Since its inception, LETR has raised almost $900 million worldwide, with over $30 million being raised for Special Olympics North Carolina.
Information provided by Special Olympics North Carolina