Young children and older adults are more likely to suffer from communicable illnesses. A clean care facility and work practices that help stop the spread of disease are important in child and adult care centers.
Young children are more likely to suffer from communicable illnesses because their immune systems are still developing. Children in day care are in close contact with each other, making it easy for illnesses to spread. A clean day care and work practices that help stop the spread of disease are important in child care centers. Child daycare facilities are inspected twice a year.
Additional Resources
.2800 Rules Governing Sanitation of Child Care Facilities
Adult Daycare
It is easier for older adults to catch and suffer complications from communicable illnesses than younger adults. Close daily contact with others in adult day care centers can make it easier for germs to spread. Good sanitation and work practices are important to ensure an environment that is as safe and healthy as possible.
Adult day care centers are inspected once a year to ensure good sanitation. The current sanitation status of adult daycare facilities is available online.
NC Adult Day Service Rules
Group Homes / Residential Care Facilities
Good sanitation is important in group homes because residents are in close contact with each other, making it easier for illnesses to spread from person to person. Residents at group homes are often elderly or have health conditions that make it harder for them to fight off communicable illnesses.
Group homes are inspected once a year to ensure good sanitation. The current sanitation status of residential care facilities is available online.
NC Residential Care Facility Rules
Need an inspection for a Residential Care Facility?
Contact Wake County Environmental Health & Safety at 919-856-5700 or healthandsafety@wake.gov to request an inspection.
Will the group home use a private well or septic system?
Private wells and septic systems must be checked to make sure they are built correctly and are the right size to serve the group home. First, check with your local zoning office. Then, contact the Wake County Environmental Services Onsite Water Protection Division or 919-856-7434 to be sure your well and septic tank is adequate for the group home. Wells must meet the requirements as outlined in the NC Rules Governing Protection of Water Supplies. Septic systems must meet all of the requirements listed in the Wake County local regulations.
To ask about a well or septic evaluation, contact the Wake County Environmental Services Onsite Water Protection Division or call Wake County Environmental Services at 919-856-7434.