Schools are inspected once a year. Summer camps are inspected twice a year to ensure a safe and healthy place for children. One inspection is done when the camp is getting its permit to operate and another is done when the camp is in operation.
Children in school and camps are in close contact with a large number of other children. It is easier for young children to get communicable illnesses and these illnesses are easily spread when children are in close contact with each other. Good sanitation is important to ensure a place that is as safe and healthy as possible.
NC School Rules
.2400 Rules Governing Sanitation of Public, Private and Religious Schools
NC Summer Camp Rules
.1000 Rules Governing Sanitation of Summer Camps
.3600 Rules Governing Sanitation of Resident Camps
Buying, Building, Remodeling a School?
You must have a permit to operate, build or remodel a school or summer camp. Permits do not transfer from owner to owner. Save time and money, review the Wake County Plan Review Page before you buy, build or remodel to find out what the requirements are.
If you have a concern about something you see, speak to the director or administrator directly. This is the best way to deal with a problem. If you still have concerns, you may also fill out the online complaint form or call us at 919-856-5700 to file a complaint.