Project Summary
The 20-Year Human Services & Facilities Master Plan (HSMP) identified the need for a future Regional Center in the northwest quadrant of the county to complement the existing Southern, Eastern, and Northern Regional Centers. This proposed facility is anticipated to be approximately 25,000 sq. ft. and will be a two-story structure with abundant parking due to the adjacency to Dorcas Ministries facilities, one of Wake County’s close partners.
The building will have a single point of public and staff entry. Upon review of several planning strategies, the direction is to provide all public services on the first floor with the majority of staff workplaces on the second floor. This strategy meets several of the goals identified in the HSMP, in which services surround the client, limiting the need for the client to navigate throughout the facility, and creating a more efficient workflow for staff. The proposed strategy also more easily aligns with the Wake County Safety & Security Space Standards.
Programming meets the current Wake County 2.0 metrics and includes a 1.5% per year growth for the 20-year projection identified in the HSMP. The use of standardized modular interview rooms and office sizes creates flexibility for future programming changes should these be driven by future mandates or opportunities that may align with Wake County Partners.
Similar to other county regional centers, other ancillary services beyond social and public health will be provided. As an example, these could include, inspections and sheriff’s department being co-located in the facility.
In conclusion, the goal is to build a program that is able to adapt to the changing needs of the citizens, without the need to leverage large capital investment for renovations, which in most cases require temporary interruption of service to clients, at the facility being renovated.
Building Information
Site Acreage:
3.4 acres
Shared Parking with Dorcas Ministries Partners
Building Area:
25,000 sq. ft. anticipated
Programs Offered:
Social Services: Medicaid, Food & Nutrition, E-Pass, WorkFirst, Child Day Care Assistance, Child Welfare, Energy Assistance Program, Veterans & Military; Health Services: Shots & Immunizations, Family Planning, Child Health, Prenatal (pregnancy) Care, WIC, Home Visiting Nurses
Little Diversified Architectural Consulting
Projected Opening:
Summer 2026