Best Babies Zone (BBZ)

Best Babies Zone Logo

Did you know that a Black baby born in Southeast Raleigh is twice less likely to see their first birthday compared to a White baby born in Wake County? 

The Best Babies Zone brings together Southeast Raleigh residents, businesses, and local organizations to build on existing community assets to guarantee all children born in the “Zone” have the best chance at life. 

What is the BBZ?

The BBZ Initiative is a strategic, national effort to advance the BBZ approach. The BBZ approach is a place-based, multi-sector, community-driven effort to reduce racial inequities in infant mortality and birth outcomes by mobilizing community residents and organizational partners to address the social, structural, and economic determinants of health and promote health equity.  


The BBZ vision is that all babies are born healthy, in communities that enable them to thrive and reach their full potential. To achieve this vision, a BBZ focuses on four key strategies: 

  • Zonal focus 
  • Multi-Sector Collaboration  
  • Community-Driven Action
  • Cultivating a Social Movement  

Target Zone (Population)

Focus area for BBZ in Wake County are the 27610 & 27601 zip codes. 

How will we do this?

The Best Babies Zone is not just about babies! It is about creating a healthy community where everyone can grow and thrive. The only way to achieve this goal is to follow the recommendations of community experts like you. Your ideas and experiences matter. 

Join the BBZ!

As a team member, you will help identify a plan to create a healthier Southeast Raleigh.

Interested in participating?
Please e-mail or call 919-250-3989 for more information.