Plans and Public Notices

The Department of Housing Affordability & Community Revitalization periodically publishes reports, studies and plans to communicate the County’s goals for housing production, preservation and programming to help prevent homelessness and increase equitable and fair access to high-quality housing opportunities.

Bridge to Home

Unsheltered Facility Study

2023 Annual Housing Report

Public Notices

Wake County Housing Affordability & Community Revitalization periodically posts public notices on this webpage. For a look at current and past public notices, please consult the list below or use the Archives button.






Wake County has prepared the draft 2023 CAPER and 2023 HOPWA CAPER for public review. The CAPER reports the progress of the fourth year of the 5-year Consolidated Plan for activities carried out during program year 2023 (July 1, 2023–June 30, 2024). The HOPWA CAPER details the use of HOPWA funds in Wake, Johnston and Franklin counties.

Drafts of the 2023 CAPER and HOPWA CAPER will be available for 15-day comment period from September 4 to September 18, 2024. You can also access the reports at the following locations: Wake County Housing (336 Fayetteville Street, Suite 440), Municipal Town Halls, Wake County Regional Centers, Homeless Service Centers, and other Wake County Housing or Human Services locations.

At the end of the comment period, Wake County will compile and review all public feedback. To submit a comment, access the web form or email For more information, please contact Housing Staff at 919-856-5689. Speech or hearing-impaired persons may contact 1-800-735-2962 (TT) or 1-800-735-8262 (voice).

Public Notice – Heritage Park Public Housing Community – Disposition

To all interested agencies, groups, and persons: On or about July 10, 2024, Wake County Housing Affordability & Community Revitalization will complete the Categorically Excluded Subject To (at 24 CFR 58.35 (a)(5) categorical exclusions) public comment posting for the disposition of Heritage Park at 416 Dorothea Drive, Raleigh, NC, and will send a notice of an intent to request a release of funds (NOI/RROF) to the Raleigh Housing Authority (RHA). Once received by RHA, they will forward this information to the Housing and Urban Development’s Office of Public and Indian Housing in Greensboro, NC, for review and comments.

Documentation for review:

Any individual, group, or agency may submit written comments to:

Mr. John Scales
Housing Affordability & Community Revitalization
Wake County Government
PO Box 550, WCOB 415
Raleigh, NC 27602-0550

Please submit written comments on or before July 9, 2024. The County will consider all comments received, and the County will share all comments with the RHA. Neither the County nor RHA will ask for the release of funds or take any administrative action on the project before the date specified in the preceding sentence.

15-DAY COMMENT PERIOD (6/20/2024 – 7/4/2024) WAKE COUNTY - Preservation and Reinvestment Initiative for Community Enhancement (PRICE) Grant Application

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Wake County will receive comments from interested parties on the Draft Preservation and Reinvestment Initiative for Community Enhancement (PRICE) Grant Application for 15 days starting June 20, 2024. A draft of the grant application is accessible here and through the following locations:

  1. Wake County Housing Affordability & Community Revitalization
    Physical Address: 336 Fayetteville Street, Suite 440, Raleigh, NC 27602
  2. Wake County Homeless Service Centers and Housing locations (physical addresses can be found online:
  3. Wake County Regional and Human Services locations (physical addresses can be found online:
  4. Municipal Town Halls
  5. Emailed to citizens upon request

The purpose of the PRICE grant is to preserve long-term housing affordability for residents of manufactured housing units or manufactured housing communities. Wake County must advertise and receive public comment on the proposed application before it is submitted to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

To leave a comment, please visit:    

Or email Wake County Housing Department at For more information, please contact the Housing Department at 919-856-5689. Accommodations for disabled or non-English speaking residents will be made available upon request. Speech- or hearing-impaired persons may call 1-800-735-2962 (TT) or 1-800-735-8262 (voice).

Other Recent Plans & Notices

Wake County 2024 Annual Action Plan

On May 20, 2024, Wake County Board of Commissioners approved Wake County 2024-2025 Annual Action Plan , a one-year plan to address low-income housing and community development needs in Wake County.    

For more information,  please contact 919-856-5689 or email  Speech-or hearing-impaired persons may call    1-800-735-2962 (TT) or  1-800-735-8262 (Voice).

Wake County's HOME-American Rescue Plan (ARP) Allocation Plan

The Wake County HOME-ARP Allocation Plan is a strategic plan detailing the use of federal HOME-ARP grant funds to address the needs of individuals or households who are experiencing homelessness, at risk of homelessness, and other vulnerable populations, by providing housing, rental assistance, supportive services, and non-congregate shelter, to reduce homelessness and increase housing stability. The Plan was approved by the Wake County Board of Commissioners on March 9th, 2022.

For more information, please contact 919-856-5689 or email Speech-or hearing-impaired persons may call  1-800-735-2962 (TT) or  1-800-735-8262 (Voice).

Wake County Affordable Housing Plan

Approximately 56,000 working families who make less than $39,000 a year in Wake County are currently unable to find affordable housing. Current trends show that this number may increase to as many as 150,000 households over the next 20 years.

To address this growing need, the Wake County Board of Commissioners approved the 20-year Affordable Housing Plan developed by the Affordable Housing Steering Committee.

You can learn more about the Affordable Housing Plan through the resources below:

Citizen Participation Plan

The Citizen Participation Plan (CPP) outlines how the public can access information regarding the County’s HUD grant programs. It describes how the public will be notified of program activities, projects which could result in the displacement and actions that would be undertaken if such displacement were to occur. The goal of the CPP is to provide all citizens of our community with adequate opportunities to participate in an advisory role in the planning, implementation and assessment of the County’s HUD grant programs.

2020-2025 Consolidated Plan

The 2020–2025 Consolidated Plan is a five-year plan to address the low-income housing and community development needs in Wake County. It includes a housing and homeless needs assessment and market analysis, a strategic plan and a one-year Action Plan.

Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice

This document is a comprehensive review of Wake County's demographics, economics, housing, land use, zoning, transportation, and other conditions. It takes the data from this review and assesses how these conditions impede the availability and accessibility of housing to the protected classes. It then describes actions the community can take to overcome identified impediments. A fair housing plan is then developed as part of the five-year Consolidated Plan. The fair housing plan describes the actions Wake County's Housing program will take to address the identified impediments.