4-H is a fun, “Learn by Doing" program where participants get to develop skills to lead productive and successful lives. By making the best better, 4-H empowers young people to build confidence and engage with the community.
Everyone is invited to join! 4-H’s inclusive programs, clubs and camps are open to all youth ages 5 to 19, regardless of race, color, creed, national origin, gender or disabilities.
Questions? Contact Wake County 4-H at 919-250-1100 or email us!

Location Features
The 4-H Experience
Personal Development
Kids build life skills by leading hands-on projects in areas like science, health, agriculture and civic engagement – helping them to grow confidence, independence, resilience and compassion. Adult mentors provide a positive environment where they learn by doing. This 4‑H experience is delivered by a community of more than 100 public universities across the nation.
Leadership Skills
4‑H’s hands-on approach is proven to grow life skills like confidence, independence, resilience and compassion through stages and developed through experiences, not instruction.
The result? Kids who are empowered with the skills to lead for a lifetime.
Hands-On Experiences
More young people need the kind of hands-on, youth-led experiences that 4‑H provides – experiences where they learn by doing, grow from failure, express their ideas and use their influence to drive positive outcomes. Adult mentors provide guidance, ask questions, share learnings and encourage.
University-Backed Research
4‑H reaches nearly six million young people through Cooperative Extension – a community of more than 100 public universities and 3,000 local offices. Programs are delivered by more than 3,500 4‑H professionals and more than 500,000 volunteers.
Wake County 4-H Newsletters
January 2023
May 2023
September 2023
January 2024
May 2024
September 2024
February 2025
The four H's stand for Head, Heart, Hands and Health
Head – Clearer thinking, problem-solving, decision-making, critical thinking, visionary leadership
Heart – Greater loyalty, strong personal values, positive self-concept, productive family and peer relationships
Hands – Larger service, workforce preparedness, science and technology literacy, community service
Health – Better living, healthy personal lifestyles, promoting environmental stewardship, creating vibrant communities
Enroll in 4-H Today!