Language & Communication Access

Did you know that an estimated 17% of Wake County residents (age 5 years and over) speak a language other than English at home? Additionally an estimated 2% of residents reported having hearing impairments.

Wake County Government serves our residents in a variety of ways that are instrumental to day-to-day life.  Ensuring that communications are accessible to all, will help the County be more inclusive and welcoming to all.

Wake County is committed to removing language and communication barriers that hinder access to services for some residents.  This commitment serves the County’s interest in ensuring accurate communication in service delivery.

Fulfilling this commitment will require substantial time, effort, and resources, and Wake County staff are committed to taking all reasonable steps to provide meaningful access to all, regardless of national origin, ethnicity or limited ability to read, write, speak, or understand English.

Everyone deserves to have meaningful access to the information and services they need. We want all departments to be able to provide language and communication access. Our goal is to assist our team with the implementation of a plan to support access in a myriad of ways that include Interpretation and Translation.


What is interpretation? When you listen in one language and then communicate what is said in a different language.


What is a translation? When you take written text and convert it into another language. A translated document reflects the meaning of the original text as much as possible.

Learn More

For more information about technical assistance in assessing language and communication needs, along with service offerings – please contact:

Brian Gunter
Consumer Experience Manager – Health & Human Services