Harris Lake From Home

Wake Parks From Home image

Here you can find different activities created by park staff that will allow you to enjoy Harris Lake County Park from home! 

Staff Storytime

Staff share their favorite books from our park library to read aloud!

Butternut Hollow Pond with Ms. Joanne
Experience an action-packed day in the life of creatures that live in and around a pond habitat with Butternut Hollow Pond, written by Brian J. Heinz and illustrated by Bob Marstall.
Watch the video here.

The Lorax with Ms. Rachel
Join park staff in our Longleaf Pine Management Area for a staff favorite, The Lorax by Dr. Seuss, to learn about the similarities between the Truffula tree and our native Longleaf Pine!
Watch the video here.

Let's Sing a Lullaby with the Brave Cowboy with Mrs. Christina
Face some fears alongside a cowboy as he sings any worries to sleep in Let's Sing a Lullaby with the Brave Cowboy, written by Jan Thomas. Meet one of Harris Lake County Park's educational critters that is commonly feared and misunderstood by many, but by the end you'll be able to say "Like 'em? We love 'em!"
Watch the video here.

Beautiful Blackbird with Mrs. Amelia
Join Amelia as she reads Beautiful Blackbird by Ashley Bryan, a story based on an African folklore tale from the Ila people, about how the birds of the lake learned about beauty, both inside and out.
Watch the video here.

The Salamander Room with Ms. Jessica
Join Jessica at one of Harris Lake County Park's vernal pools as she reads The Salamander Room by Anne Mazer. Meet some salamanders up close while you learn about what salamanders eat, where they live, and what makes them so special!
Watch the video here.

A Log's Life with Ms. Jessica
Read A Log's Life by Wendy Pfeffer with Jessica as we discover what happens when a tree dies, and what kind of important critters rely on logs. We will also discover how logs are broken down and recycled back into the soil. 
Watch the video here.

Longneedle with Ms. Jessica
Join Jessica on a journey through the past with Longneedle, by Anne Marshall Runyon. Longneedle is a Longleaf Pine that sprouts in 1696. As Longneedle grows, she sees the extraordinary diversity of plants and animals that depend on her and her forest. 
Watch the video here. 

At the Old Haunted House with Mrs. Susan
Get into the Halloween spirit with Susan as she reads At the Old Haunted House by Helen Ketterman. Count the witches, monsters, and ghosts as they prepare for Halloween guests! Who do you think will come knocking on their door?
Watch the video here. 

Harris Lake Mobile Tours

Photo of Harris Lake fishing pier with mobile tours graphic

We have developed several interpretive cell phone tours that you can access from home or while you're at the park. You can access each tour from its hyperlinked title below.

Cypress Tree Trail
Test your knowledge and learn more about some of our common trees.

Educational Garden Tour
Along this tour, you will learn about some of the history of the park, some of the plants in the garden, and great ways to help wildlife in your backyard.

Local Tree Loop
This tour was created to introduce some of the special trees we have in North Carolina and help you identify them in the future. This tour follows the paved trail around the Educational Garden and begins at the Cypress parking lot side of the garden. 

Red Fox Run Interpretive Trail
Discover more about the plants and animals found at the park.

Womble Interpretive History Trail
Explore life on a farm as you learn about one of the families that lived on the property before it became a park.

Mobile tours have also been developed for several other park sites and you can view them all here. 

Backyard Buddies

Join Wake County park staff as we explore our backyards!

Use #MyBackyardBuddies on social media to share photos of what you see and check out what we're finding too. 

Use the following apps to help you identify wildlife: 

Bring the Outside Online!

Example of virtual meeting background with yates mill

Liven up your virtual meetings with customized backgrounds from Wake County Parks, Recreation and Open Space. 

Find Even More at Wake Parks From Home

Image of cartoon park staff with woodland animals promoting wake parks from home

Interested in exploring other Wake County Parks from the comfort of your home? Use the button below to view all of our Wake Parks from Home pages!