Install a Swimming Pool or Hot Tub

All swimming pools, hot tubs and spas that can hold more than 24 inches of water require a building and electrical permit. A site plan showing the pool and its surrounding decking is required. The site plan shall include all of the information listed below in Site Plan Requirements. Homes served by on-site wastewater systems (septic) require that the location of the pool does not impact the current wastewater system or its repair area and maintains the required setbacks. A field consultation fee may be required for this service. All swimming pools, hot tubs and spas are required to be enclosed by a barrier per Appendix V of the North Carolina Residential Code. Decks supporting hot tubs and spas will require an engineer letter or engineer stamped plans verifying the deck can support the hot tub or spa.  

To permit a new swimming pool you will need to submit:

  1. An application using the Wake County Permit Portal.
  2. A site plan meeting all the specifications listed below in Site Plan Requirements.
  3. A certificate of workers' compensation insurance or a completed affidavit of workers compensation exemption form for contractors.


If the property is served by an onsite wastewater system (septic), the location of the new pool, hot tub or spa may need to be checked to ensure that it does not impact and maintains the required setbacks from the current wastewater system, its repair area and any on-site wells. A field consultation fee and a site visit by staff may be required for these services.

Further information regarding requirements may be obtained from: 

Health & Human Services-Onsite Water Protection
 919-856-7434  or
Groundwater/Well:    919-856-7400

Building and Site Plan Specifications

Site Plan Requirements

A preliminary site plan is required before permits are issued. A final (as-built) site plan may be required prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. A good resource for a site plan is a survey issued for a recent mortgage or refinance closing. Watch this video for more information.

A site plan includes the entire lot, drawn to scale, with the following:

  • Lot lines with dimensions and road frontage shown.
  • All existing and proposed buildings and structures with overall dimensions and, for proposed buildings and structures, the distance measured from the nearest fixed reference points (such as property lines, lot corners, existing building/structures, etc.) that can be used to precisely locate the proposed building/structures should be clearly shown.
  • Existing and proposed driveways, parking spaces, patios, pool decking, and walkways with width and surface material identified.
  • Where known, existing or proposed well, septic tank and drain field location(s) or sewer and water easements and proposed connection location(s).
  • When utilizing a Professional Option Permit (EOP, AOWE, SL 2022-11/A2) for wastewater (septic) permitting, site plans submitted for building permits must demonstrate the location of all wastewater system components including tanks and treatment systems, distribution devices, supply lines, primary and repair drain lines, etc. The wastewater system information must be provided by the appropriate design professional to be included on the site plan submission.
  • All water features including ditches, easements, buffers and flood hazard areas (FEMA or flood-prone soils).
  • The location, type and relevant dimensions and capacities of storm water management structures, associated easements and other devices.
  • All existing and proposed impervious surfaces clearly itemized and listed in square feet and as a percentage of the net lot size. This can be shown on the site plan or an attached impervious calculation worksheet.
  • Parcel identification number (PIN), address of property, north arrow, scale of the site plan, bar scale, and date map prepared (and any revision dates). 
  • If parcel is less than 5 acres, scales of 1" = 20', 30', 40', 50', 60' or 100' are acceptable on paper no larger than 11" x 17".
  • For a parcel of 5 acres or more, scales of 1” = 100’, 200’, 300’, 400’ or 500’ are acceptable in addition to the scales listed above and may be on any size paper. If the paper is larger than 11” x 17”, or the scale is smaller than 1”=100’, an inset or separate sheet must also be provided showing the proposed construction at a scale of 1” = 20’, 30’, 40’, 50’, 60’ or 100’.
  • As-built surveys must be labeled as such, be completed by a professional land surveyor and include all the above. The date the as-built is prepared must be on or after the initial building final.

**These are minimum requirements. Special circumstances or small lots may necessitate further requirements**