Western Wake Area Plan

Western Wake Area Plan, with image of sunset on Harris Lake

Where is the Western Wake Area Plan? 

The Western Wake (WW) Area Plan includes about 44 square miles, or 28,100 acres located in the southwest area of Wake County, bordered by Chatham and Harnett County. Click below to see this area on a map. 

View the Western Wake Area Plan Map

Western Wake Boundary Map
The area included in the Western Wake Area Plan.

What is the Western Wake Area Plan? 

The Western Wake (WW) Area Plan is a component of Wake County’s comprehensive plan, PLANWake, adopted in April 2021. The area plans separate the county into seven distinct areas for more localized planning with community input.

The Wake County Board of Commissioners adopted the Western Wake Area Plan on January 6, 2025.

Background Information

It helps to have some background information in order to understand all that's going on. Below you'll find a story map that's intended to present information and context about the Western Wake area. Click on the link to open the story map and scroll down. Each map is expandable by clicking on the double arrows in the upper right-hand corner, and users can explore the maps in greater detail by using the "+" and "-" symbols to zoom in and out. Users can also find their location on the map by clicking on the arrow.

View the Story Map

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919-856-6310, press 8