Who We Are

At Wake County EMS, we’re a collection of EMS professionals that come from a wide and diverse group of communities, backgrounds, geographic locations and life experiences. 

Are We a Reflection of Our Community?

We aren’t where we want to be yet. But we’re very much aware, and we are steadfast, dedicated and active in our efforts as we work to move toward this long-term goal. 

Who Should Come Work With Us?

We welcome anyone who wants to come here and be the best EMS provider they can be, regardless of what they look like, how they talk, who they love, to whom they do or don’t pray, how long they’ve been in the workforce or anything else that make us unique individuals. 

Will You Be Judged?

Yes, you will. You will be judged on your ability to provide care for our community. You will be judged on how well you work with the Wake County EMS team and with our many partners. You will be judged on your demeanor and professionalism as a Wake County EMS provider.  

You will not be judged on your unique characteristics, so bring your whole self. 

Who Do We Take Care Of?

Our community. Our entire community, and every member within. We’re fortunate in Wake County to be very rich in diversity by many measures. It’s our honor and duty to provide prompt, compassionate, clinically excellent care to all residents of and visitors to Wake County. 

Wondering How You'd Fit In?

If you’re thinking about seeking a career at Wake County EMS, it’s important to us that you feel comfortable and welcome. Wondering how you’d fit in? Reach out to us, and we’ll connect you with an ambassador who represents any one of a number of diverse communities within our ranks. You can have an honest conversation with a field-provider ambassador about their experiences working here. This is a private conversation between 2 people. There is no administrative monitoring, reporting, or follow-up. 

If you'd like to talk with an ambassador, email John.Porter@Wake.Gov or call 919-856-6022.