Patients, Billing & Budget

Looking for a loved one currently being treated by EMS?

Unfortunately EMS cannot provide any information regarding any person that we're providing care for due to federal privacy laws. Included in that, we can neither provide nor confirm identity, patient condition nor hospital transport destination. We recommend contacting the three hospital systems in an attempt to locate your loved one.
Duke Health, 919-887-8635 

UNC Rex, 919-784-3100

WakeMed, 919-350-8000

Patient Care Records

A Patient Care Record is the only method to receive information about a patient or an EMS response. A PCR is not a public document, and it is only available to the patient, a legally authorized designee or someone in an official capacity with appropriate documentation and conducting an official investigation. 

Privacy is a priority in the handling of all patient information. We are required by law to protect medical information about you. See Notice of Privacy Practices

Learn How to Obtain a Copy of Your PCR 

EMS Billing

​Wake County EMS does not handle patient billing in-house but contracts with a third-party billing company named EMS Management & Consultants. 

If you have questions about a bill for EMS service, please call 844-239-6690.

Learn About Fee Structures and Average Patient Costs

Learn About the $60 EMS Subscription Program

Pay My BillUpdate Insurance

Billing policy is under the responsibility of Deputy Director/Business office Demetric Potts. Reach him at 919-856-6081.


EMS Annual Budget

The EMS budget is a subsection of the Wake County annual budget, and information on the EMS budget is listed within the Wake County budget document.

See the Wake County Budget