Chronic Diseases and Conditions

Chronic diseases and conditions, such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and arthritis are among the most common, costly, and preventable of all health problems. Half of all American adults have at least one chronic condition, and almost one in three has multiple chronic conditions.

What you need to know

  • Chronic diseases, heart disease, cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases and stroke are the leading causes of death in the United States.
  • Seven of every 10 deaths in the U.S. are caused by chronic conditions; heart disease is the leading cause of death among both men and women, followed by cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases; diabetes is seventh.
  • Chronic disabling conditions cause major limitations in activity for more than one of every 10 Americans, or 25 million people.
  • Many chronic conditions can be prevented by not smoking, being more physically active and eating nutritious foods.

Prevention programs that can help

Health & Human Services has several programs that address the needs of Wake County women and prevent chronic diseases.

Breast Health (Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program)


Heart Health (WISEWOMAN)