Making Wake Tobacco Free

Trees at Robertson Millpond Preserve

Find resources to stopping tobacco use, tobacco use and prevention data, tobacco use and health, smoke free ordinances and regulations, smoke free Wake County Parks and information about Wake County Tobacco Prevention and Control Initiative.

Wake County Tobacco Prevention and Control Initiative

Tobacco use remains the number one preventable cause of death and disease in our community, state and nation. The Wake County Tobacco Prevention and Control initiative, formerly known as Project ASSIST, is funded by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). This local effort involves collaboration with local, regional and state partners working on smoke-free environments, tobacco-free lifestyles, awareness education about the harms of all tobacco products and promotion of evidence-based quit interventions to reduce the burden of tobacco in our community.

The purpose of the initiative is to prevent deaths and health problems attributable to tobacco use.

The local community goals mirror the state goals, which include:

  • Prevent initiation of smoking and other tobacco use;
  • Eliminate exposure to secondhand smoke;
  • Help tobacco-users who want to quit; and
  • Identify and eliminate tobacco-related health disparities.

Key strategies include: 

  • Community interventions
  • Counter-marketing or media interventions
  • Policy or environmental change interventions
  • Surveillance and evaluation

For more information, contact: 

Michaela Hoenig
Tobacco Prevention and Control Coordinator