Get more information about business personal property listing, who is required to list, how to file your listing and how to request an extension.
Business Personal Property and Listing Information
Examples of business personal property include:
- computer and office equipment
- supplies
- materials
- machinery
- farm equipment
- leasehold improvements
Further clarification on business personal property can be found on our description of business property page.
To determine if your property should be classified as real property or listed as personal property, please refer to the Wake County property classification schedule.
Values are determined on a cost basis using Trending Schedules developed by the North Carolina Department of Revenue. Trending schedules correspond to replacement cost new, less depreciation.
Listing Requirements
- The completion of a business listing form is required of all individuals, partnerships, corporations and associations who, on January 1, own, control or possess any amount of leasehold improvements or tangible personal property used or held for a business purpose.
- The question of exempt status does not excuse any of the foregoing from this requirement.
Listing deadlines and how to list
- The listing period is from January 1 through January 31 each year.
- Listings may be submitted by mail using a Business Listing form or filed electronically using our online property listing system. Late listings are subject to penalties per North Carolina General Statute 105-312(h).
- If you received a listing form in the previous year, a form should automatically be mailed to you at the last address of record. You should receive this preprinted form by the end of December or first week of January.
- If you do not receive a form and you have property that requires listing, it is your responsibility to obtain and complete a listing form.
Extension requests
- Requests for listing extensions must be made by January 31.
- Listing extensions may be obtained using our online property listing system. To use this system, you will need your Wake County account number and password, shown at the top right of your listing form.
- Extension requests may also be submitted by mail. Mailed requests must be on company letterhead and reference the account number for which the extension is being requested.
- Extension requests submitted by mail must be postmarked by the U.S. Postal Service or overnight courier by January 31. If no date is shown on the postmark, or if the postmark is not affixed by the U.S. Postal Service or overnight courier, the extension request shall be deemed to be filed when received by the Wake County Department of Tax Administration. If your submission has a metered postmark, you must obtain a certificate of mailing or certified mail receipt validated by the U.S. Postal Service for proof of timely submission.
- New businesses listing for the first time must establish a Wake County account using the online property listing system before an extension request can be submitted.
- Listing extensions submitted through the online property listing system must be received by 11:59 PM EST on January 31.
Filing deadlines for accounts granted an extension
The filing deadline for all accounts that have been granted an extension (regardless of whether the extension was requested by mail or online) is as follows:
- Listings submitted by mail must be postmarked by the U.S. Postal Service or overnight courier by April 15. If no date is shown on the postmark, or if the postmark is not affixed by the U.S. Postal Service or overnight courier, the listing shall be deemed to be filed when received by the Wake County Department of Tax Administration. If your submission has a metered postmark, you must obtain a certificate of mailing or certified mail receipt validated by the U.S. Postal Service for proof of timely submission.
- Listings submitted after April 15 will only be deemed timely if filed electronically using our online property listing system. Electronic listings must be received by 11:59 PM EST on May 15.
- Failure to list by the dates above will result in a late list penalty being assessed.